Month: April 2017

If horror movies are anything to go by, you had to be really careful about booking a place to stay back in 1960. This proto-Amicus spookfest, released in the same year as Psycho, features a hotel no less deadly than Bates Motel: the Raven’s Inn, in Whitewood, Massachusetts. Built on the very spot where, some
A house swap goes horribly wrong in this latest chiller from SL Grey (aka excellent South African authors Sarah Lotz and Louis Greenberg). Having explored shopping malls and underground bunkers, the duo are back with a tale of grief, insanity and the dangers of taking a chance on unrated Air BNB users. Literature professor Mark
Don Coscarelli’s beloved Phantasm franchise is coming to beautiful Blu-ray courtesy of Arrow Video, and we have one copy of the incredible box-set to give away! Apart from looking incredibly pretty, the box-set contains the JJ Abrams-supervised 4K Bad Robot restoration of the original film and the latest movie in the franchise, Phantasm: Ravager. We’ll