Month: May 2017

Some 75 years after her creation, after god knows how many Batman and Superman big screen adventures, Wonder Woman finally gets her solo silver screen debut. To say that the film has to carry the weight of expectation is somewhat of an understatement. This film is all expectation. We’re expecting to be stunned into silence
Illustration by Grahame Baker-Smith from The Folio Society edition of The World of The Worlds by H.G. Wells The Folio Society’s edition of HG Wells’ classic The War Of The Worlds is available now and we have a couple of Grahame Baker-Smith’s incredible illustrations for you. Illustration by Grahame Baker-Smith from The Folio Society edition of The World of The Worlds by
Unless you have been living in Outer Mongolia, no doubt you will have heard talk of a popular little animated movie called Frozen. Cleverly jumping on the bandwagon, Elly Blake has a ready-made audience for her new, YA series, Frostblood. Ramping up the raunch factor and adding some gladiator action, it is time for Frozen