Cinema, Exclusive, Final Recall, News

Final Recall new trailer sees Welsey Snipes protect RJ Mitte from aliens

If you’re missing Welsey Snipes you should check out this exclusive new trailer for his latest film, Final Recall

Here’s the full synopsis for Final Recall:

A group of friends are spending the weekend at a cabin on the lake while, unbeknownst to them, aliens have begun to attack planet Earth. A number of the friends are abducted immediately by the ship hovering above, and the remaining two of the group, Annie and Charlie, must rely on an eccentric and dangerous hunter who seems to have special knowledge of the attack, explaining that this day has been prophesized for years and extraterrestrials have been guiding Earth’s evolution in preparation for their ultimate takeover.

The film is directed by Mauuro Borrelli, written by Borrelli and Reggie Keyohara III and stars Welsey Snipes, RJ Mitte, Laura Bilgeri, Niko Pepaj, Jedidiah Goodacre and Hannah Rose May.

Final Recall is available to buy on HD digital download on 14 August and on DVD on 21 August. Get all the latest sci-fi news with every issue of SciFiNow. 

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