Book Club, Books, News, Star Wars: The Force Doth Awaken

Star Wars: The Force Doth Awaken book cover revealed, BB-8 is looking good

The cover for Ian Doescher’s William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: The Force Doth Awaken has been revealed, showing BB-8 rocking an Elizabeth costume like he was born to do it.

It’s the latest chapter in the author’s acclaimed Bard-infused take on the Star Wars saga, and it’s coming to the UK from Quirk Books on 3 October.

Here’s the plot synopsis for you…

“As the noble Resistance clashes with the vile First Order, Rey, Finn, Poe Damaron, Kylo Ren, and BB-8 are pulled into a galaxy-wide drama – in iambic pentameter! Star Wars fans and Shakespeare enthusiasts alike will enjoy the authentic meter, reimagined movie scenes and dialogue, and hidden Easter eggs throughout. Chewbacca speaks! Leader Snoke gives a soliloquy! And the romance of Han Solo and Leia organa takes a tragic turn that even Shakespeare himself would approve of.

All with the woodcut-style illustrations that place Star Wars characters into an Elizabethan galaxy. The story may take place in a galaxy far, far away, but you’ll be convinced it was written by the Bard.”

William Shakespeare’s THE FORCE DOTH AWAKEN STAR WARS PART THE SEVENTH by Ian Doescher is published 03 October, 2017 in HB, £11.99 from Quirk Books.

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