Cinema, Marvel's Runaways, News

Marvel’s Runaways new stills give the kids a proper introduction

With all the upcoming Marvel screen projects in the works right now, Runaways would probably forgive you for forgetting it. The only thing it’s given us until now has been one cast photo after all. But with this new batch of stills from the series, we finally get a look at the Runaways themselves in their natural habitats. Check them out in the gallery above.

Runaways revolves around a group of regular teenagers who need to band together for the greater good when they find out their parents are all working for an evil organisation called The Pride.

In a statement, executive producers and Head of Marvel Television Jeph Loeb said: “The fun and chemistry that this group of talented actors create is wonderful and we’re so excited to bring these beloved characters to life.”

Here’s a breakdown of the characters, as posted on back in February:

Rhenzy Feliz (Teen WolfCasual) as Alex Wilder is a loud-and-proud nerd. Admittedly a bit of a loner, Alex spends much of his free-time playing video games, but deep down, what he wants most is to reunite his childhood group of friends.

Lyrica Okano (The AffairUnforgettableNico Minoru–tough, intelligent, and independent–embodies teenage angst. A budding “Wiccan,” Nico’s carefully crafted goth appearance isolates her from her peers and family, but maybe what she really needs is someone to talk to.

Virginia Gardner (GoatLittle Bitches) as Karolina Dean, model-perfect exterior with a lot going on behind her professionally whitened smile, is burdened by the lofty expectations and responsibilities put upon her by her parents. Underneath her veneer of privilege and perfection, Karolina is experiencing a newfound eagerness to explore her identity and pursue her own desires.

Ariela Barer (New GirlOne Day at a Time) as Gert Yorkes is a purple-haired, bespectacled, contemporary riot grrrl. Never passing up a moment to stand on a soapbox, Gert sometimes wields her persona as a brash social justice warrior to mask her true feelings.

Gregg Sulkin (Faking ItDon’t Hang Up) as Chase Stein is a lacrosse-playing, high school heartthrob. While many write him off as a dumb jock, Chase exhibits flashes of untapped brilliance in engineering, not unlike his wildly successful father’s.

Allegra Acosta (100 Things to do Before High SchoolJust Add Magic) as Molly Hernandez, the youngest and most innocent member of her friend group, is known for her peppy positivity and a deep yearning to belong.

Marvel’s Runaways is set to air on Hulu later in the year. It doesn’t yet have a UK broadcaster. Get all the latest superhero news with every issue of SciFiNow. 

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