Cinema, I Kill Giants, News

I Kill Giants first trailer has some serious stuff going down

The first trailer for Anders Walter’s I Kill Giants, based on the graphic novel of the same name by Joe Kelly, is finally here and we have to admit we’re quite pumped.

You can read the synopsis for I Kill Giants here:

I Kill Giants tells the story of Barbara Thorson, an acerbic fifth-grader so consumed with fantasy that she doesn’t just tell people that she kills giants with an ancient Norse warhammer – she starts to believe it herself. The reasons for Barbara’s troubled behavior are revealed through the course of the book, as she learns to reconcile her fantasy life with the real world.

The film stars Madison Wolfe as Barbara, Zoe Saldana as Mrs Mollé, Imogen Poots as Karen, Jennifer Ehle as Mrs Thorson and Noel Clarke as Mr Mollé. It is directed by Anders Walter with a screenplay by Joe Kelly.

No UK release date has been announced for I Kill Giants. Keep up with the latest genre news with the new issue of SciFiNow.

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