News, Nightflyers, TV

George RR Martin’s Nightflyers new teaser trailer is Psycho in space

Get a behind-the-scenes look at Syfy’s upcoming sci-fi horror series Nightflyers, based on George RR Martin’s novella and 1987 film of the same name. According to Martin, the show is “a haunted house story on a spaceship” and “Psycho in space”.

According to Variety, the show “follows eight maverick scientists and a powerful telepath who embark on an expedition to the edge of our solar system in the hopes of contacting alien life. They travel aboard The Nightflyer – a ship with a small tightknit crew and a reclusive captain. But when terrifying and violent events begin to take place they start to question each other, and surviving the journey proves harder than anyone thought.”

The cast is led by Gretchen Mol (Boardwalk EmpireManchester By The Sea), who’ll play Dr. Agatha Matheson. Merlin‘s Eoin Macken is Karl D’Branin, David Ajala (Falling Water) is Roy Eris, Leatherface‘s Sam Strike stars as Thale, Teen Wolf‘s Maya Eshet is Lommie, The Last Ship‘s Jodie Turner-Smith is Melantha Jhirl, Brian F O’Byrne (ManhuntBefore The Devil Knows You’re Dead) is Auggie, and Angus Sampson (InsidiousMad Max: Fury Road) is Rowan.

Nightflyers will air on Syfy in the US and on Netflix in the UK. Get all the latest sci-fi news with every issue of SciFiNow.

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