Exclusive, Interviews, Phantasm, Poster Posse, Rafał Rola

SciFiNow X Poster Posse: Rafał Rola takes on Phantasm

If you’ve picked up the latest issue of SciFiNow (on sale now), you’ll have seen the latest instalment in our collaboration with the folks at Poster Posse: Rafał Rola’s gorgeous take on Phantasm.

We took the chance to pick his brains about his style, inspirations and dream commissions…

How long have you been working as an illustrator and what’s your background? Is this something you learned through education or another route?

I have been working as a designer for over 10 years and I am self-taught. As a teenager I drew a lot. When I started my professional life, I decided to go back to my interests and, step by step, I made my dreams come true, working on both commercial and artistic projects. I am still learning and working on my style.

Your twitter bio has you down as an artist, geek and Star Wars fan, are these the spaces you primarily work in when creating new artwork?

Well, I try to draw inspiration from far and wide and pop culture is one of the sources. Books, comics, music, painting, poster everything is either literally inspiring or creates the right atmosphere that stimulates creativity.

You tackled Phantasm for us, which is a series with an incredibly iconic horror character… How did you approach the subject?

I decided that the cover had to be strong and intriguing. The best solution was to use the incredible character created by Angus Scrimm. The task wasn’t easy because the film is quite old and many works have been inspired by it.

What elements of your profession give you the most satisfaction?

First of all, freedom and diversity. You approach the subject differently when you design a logo, a book cover or a poster. I like this moment most when I already know in what direction I’m going and what happens next is… total improvisation.

How long have you been a part of the Poster Posse? What’s it like being involved with this awesome creative collective?

If I’m not mistaken, my adventure with the PP began more than two years ago. We are a group of people who share the love and passion for design, based on a common interest in the art of film posters. I am proud to be part of the group of talented and creative people from all over the world!

What upcoming sci-fi films are you most excited for?

Star Wars: Episode IX of course.

Is there a dream sci-fi IP you’d like to create work for?

Some time ago I had the opportunity to design a cover for one of the books from the Star Wars series. In the end, the project went in a different direction and my design was rejected. I hope that in the future there will be an opportunity to work on some official project related to the SW franchise.

Do you have any other work/projects you’d like to shout about?

I am working on a few projects but, as it is usually the case with commissions, I cannot talk about them. Everything in its own time.

Where can people find you online?

Behance: https://www.behance.net/rafalrola


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rolarafal/

Twitter: @RolaRafal

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