Daniel Nash, Exclusive, Interviews, Poster Posse, Richard Matheson

SciFiNow X Poster Posse: Daniel Nash takes on Richard Matheson

Artist Daniel Nash gives his take on Richard Matheson in this awesome new design for SciFiNow

If you’ve picked up the latest issue of SciFiNow (on sale now), you’ll have seen the latest instalment in our collaboration with the folks at Poster Posse: Daniel Nash’s stunning take on writer Richard Matheson and his work.

We took the chance to pick his brains about his style, art background and inspiration…

How long have you been working as an illustrator and what’s your background? Is this something you learned through education or another route?

I’ve been working as an illustrator part-time for about 10 years, while also farming. I studied illustration at Loughborough, then Portsmouth University. Before that, I was at an art and design college, and always had a strong interest in art in school and as a kid.

Your work tends to depict popular culture, why is that?

After university I had a job designing t-shirts, and this led me into referencing pop culture to generate ideas. I also had a huge love of ‘geek art’ at the time, so the fictional cult movie tees and mash ups, really inspired me to create my own.

Your illustration depicted Richard Matheson and some of his greatest work. How did you start with the piece, considering how much material there is to draw from?

I started with just a profile search, as I knew very little about him! Then I downloaded the I Am Legend audiobook, which I finished in about two days. It was brilliant. I also watched loads of The Twilight Zoneand bought his short stories book, and read a few of them. I wouldn’t normally go so far into researching an illustration, but I was really absorbed in his work. I wanted to do something moody and atmospheric, so the piece really grew from the initial research, and gathering a wide source of varied material.

What is your process for creating artwork? Do you still work in the traditional space or have you completely shifted to digital?

I generally start with a rough scamp, or thumbnail. Then I research images that may help to build a library to work from. I then draw a general composition and work it into a digital working file that will involve more tone values and colour digitally.

What elements of your profession give you the most satisfaction?

Learning new things really gives me the biggest satisfaction, and when the initial idea for a project is realised exactly as planned. The Richard Matheson project was really one such example. Also, when things come together unexpectedly well very quickly, that’s nice.

How long have you been a part of the Poster Posse? What’s it like being involved with this awesome creative collective?

I’ve been part of the Posse for about five years. It’s fantastic. It’s been very rewarding and it’s pushed me to really strive to want to achieve a lot more. I don’t know where I’d be without them, to be honest! Probably dreaming of creating artwork while doing farm jobs!

What upcoming sci-fi films are you most excited for?

The new Dune film sounds pretty exciting, and obviously the next Star Wars; I missed it this Christmas!

Is there a dream sci-fi IP you’d like to create work for?

I’d like to explore some more older works like Close Encounters Of The Third Kind and some 70s IP. I like the design.

Do you have any other work/projects you’d like to shout about?

I’m currently working on a couple of projects but I have to keep them under wraps! I’m trying to free up some space to do more sci-fi based personal projects which I really enjoy, as they allow me to explore whatever I fancy. I’m thinking of putting them under a hashtag, #Nastroid. So look out for them!

Where can people find you online?

See Daniel’s artwork in the latest issue of SciFiNow.

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