Cinema, I Trapped The Devil, News

I Trapped The Devil new poster is both spooky and festive

Here’s a lovely new poster for Josh Lobo’s new horror I Trapped The Devil

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This new poster for horror I Trapped The Devil comes courtesy of the good folks at Bloody Disgusting, and it’s pretty much everything we love in a poster.

Here’s a synopsis for the film:

Christmas is supposed to be a time for peace and joyful family reunions. But when Matt (Bowen) and his wife Karen (Burke) show up unannounced at the home of his estranged brother Steve (Poythress) to celebrate the holidays, they are instead greeted with a horrifying surprise: trapped in the basement is a man. But not just any man. Steve believes that his hostage is none other than the devil himself. As shock and skepticism turn to fear and paranoia, Matt and Karen find themselves facing a terrifying quandary: is Steve dangerously unhinged? Or could the mysterious stranger really be evil incarnate? Either way, the stage is set for a true Christmas from hell.

The film is directed and written by Josh Lobo, and stars Chris Sullivan, Jocelin Donahue, AJ Bowen, Susan Burke and Scott Poythress. Lobo, Spence Nicholson and Scott Weinberg are all producing.

I Trapped The Devil is in limited theaters and on VOD platforms 26 April 2019. Get all the latest horror news with every issue of SciFiNow. 

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