Cinema, News, Sam Raimi, Screen Gems

Sam Raimi and Screen Gems producing a destination wedding horror

Evil Dead’s Sam Raimi is working on a bride horror with Screen Gems

Sam Raimi (Evil DeadSpider-Man) is teaming up with Screen Gems f0r a destination wedding horror film, according to THR.

Raimi is producing alongside his longtime collaborator Robert Tapert, as well as Emile Gladstone (The Curse Of La Llorona). Hell Fest and Polaroid‘s Blair Butler is already on board to write the script.

The specifics of the film’s plot are currently being kept under wraps, but it is being described as “a supernatural thriller that tells of a young woman who is invited to a lavish destination wedding, unaware of the horrors that await.”

Screen Gems is a US-based production and distribution company responsible for co-producing the likes of Legion (2010), Easy ASlender Man and many of the Resident Evil films.

Raimi and Tapert are the founders of Ghost House Pictures, the production company behind horror films like Don’t BreatheEvil DeadDrag Me To HellThe Grudge and 30 Days Of Night.

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