Cinema, Good Morning Midnight, News

Good Morning, Midnight film adaptation coming from Netflix and George Clooney

Off the back of the success he is having with Hulu’s Catch-22, George Clooney already had his sights set on his next project. According to Variety, Clooney has now signed on to both direct and star in a film adaptation of Lily Brooks-Dalton’s sci-fi novel Good Morning, Midnight.

The film is being made for Netflix, with Clooney and Smokehouse Pictures’ Grant Heslov producing alongside Anonymous Content and Syndicate Entertainment. The script is being penned by Mark L. Smith (The RevenantOverlord). It does not yet have a title, but will begin production this coming October.

In a statement, Clooney said: “Grant and I couldn’t be more excited to be involved with this incredible project. Mark is a writer we’ve long admired and his script is haunting. We’re thrilled to be working with our friends at Netflix as well.”

“Having known and worked with George for over two decades, I can’t think of anyone better to bring this amazing story to life,” added Scott Stuber, head of Netflix’s film division. “The book is powerful and moving, and Mark’s adaptation is beautifully written. At its core, this is a story about human nature, and one that I know our global audiences will fall in love with, just like I did when I read it.”

For those unfamiliar with Brooks-Dalton’s post-apocalyptic novel, Good Morning, Midnight follows the parallel stories of Augustine (set to be played by Clooney), a lonely scientist based in the Arctic, and an astronaut on board the Aether spacecraft, which is trying to return home to Earth, as Augustine races to attempt to make contact with the ship.

Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton is available to buy now from Get all the latest sci-fi news with every issue of SciFiNow. 

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