Cinema, News, Terminator: Dark Fate

Terminator: Dark Fate San Diego Comic-Con featurette goes behind the scenes

A brand new featurette for Terminator: Dark Fate landed at San Diego Comic-Con this week, and it’s packed with new insight into the film (as well as Linda Hamilton swearing like a sailor). Check it out below:

With the featurette also came the news that Terminator: Dark Fate is officially set to have an R rating, so we can look forward to the gore and cussing that will come with that.

Here’s the extremely spoiler-free synopsis of the film:

Linda Hamilton (“Sarah Connor”) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (“T-800”) return in their iconic roles in Terminator: Dark Fate, directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool) and produced by visionary filmmaker James Cameron and David Ellison. Following the events of Terminator 2: Judgment DayTerminator: Dark Fate also stars Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes, Gabriel Luna, and Diego Boneta.

In a statement, Miller said: “I remember watching T2 in Westwood when I had just moved to LA – it was an amazing experience. I was particularly stoked because Jim had done ALIENS a few years before and it is – hands down – my favourite action movie of all time. It blew my mind, as it was unlike any sci-film I had ever seen – it felt like a grounded, realistic and gritty future. And of course, T2 was just as amazing and continuing that franchise is more of an honour than I could ever imagine.

“Seeing Arnold and Linda on set, in a scene together for the first time was fantastic. Watching the monitors, in as much awe as any nerd would be in my shoes, it was hard to believe it was happening. I’d get lost watching the take and then every thirty seconds it would hit me again, ‘Holy shit, I’m making a Terminator movie!’”

Terminator: Dark Fate is in cinemas from 23 October 2019. Get all the latest sci-fi news with every issue of SciFiNow. 

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