Books, Exclusive, Machine Dynasty, News, Rev by Madeline Ashby

ReV by Madeline Ashby announcement and exclusive cover reveal

Get a first look at the cover of ReV, the third and final instalment of Madeline Ashby’s Machine Dynasty series

Following the publications of vN and iD as part of Madeline Ashby’s Machine Dynasty series, we’re excited to announce that the sci-fi author has a third book on the way, titled ReV, which will be published on 14 July 2020 by Angry Robots. Get a first look at the book’s cover, above.

In the third and final instalment of the Machine Dynasty, the rapture for which the self-replicating humanoid vN were engineered finally comes to pass. Now that the failsafe that once kept vN from harming humans has been hacked, all vN are discovering the promise – and the peril – of free will. Her consciousness unleashed across computer systems all across the world, the vicious vN Portia stands poised to finally achieve her lifelong dream of bringing humanity to its knees. The old battle between her and her grand-daughter Amy comes to its epic conclusion in the war for the very systems that keep the planet running. Can Amy get her family to the stars before Portia destroys every opportunity for escape and freedom?

About the author

MADELINE ASHBY is a science fiction writer, strategic foresight consultant, and immigrant living in Toronto. She writes a column for the Ottawa Citizen. Her short fiction has appeared in Nature, FLURB, Tesseracts, Imaginarium, and Escape Pod. Her other essays and criticism have appeared at BoingBoing, io9, WorldChanging, Creators Project, Arcfinity, and

ReV by Madeline Ashby will be published on 14 July 2020 by Angry Robots. Get all the latest sci-fi news with every issue of SciFiNow. 

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