News, Stranger Things, TV

Stranger Things: Season Four teaser trailer sees a welcome return…

Netflix has released a teaser trailer for Stranger Things Season Four that reveals a lot…

Netflix has released a rather enigmatic teaser trailer for Stranger Things Season Four that shows soldiers, snow and… Hopper!

See it for yourself here:

Netflix announced the teaser trailer with the following statement:

We’re excited to officially confirm that production on Stranger Things 4 is now underway – and even more excited to announce the return of Hopper! Although it’s not all good news for our “American”; he is imprisoned far from home in the snowy wasteland of Kamchatka, where he will face dangers both human… and other. Meanwhile, back in the states, a new horror is beginning to surface, something long buried, something that connects everything….

Season Four is shaping up to be the biggest and most frightening season yet, and we cannot wait for everyone to see more. In the meantime — pray for the American.

From Russia with love,

The Duffer Brothers

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