
2018 is upon us, and so we are preparing to clear our shelves and sink our teeth into all the amazing books that the next 12 months are sure to offer us. However, we can’t set out into the New Year without acknowledging just how brilliant 2017 was for genre fiction. Rather than attempt a
We at SciFiNow would like to congratulate sci-fi author Claire North for making the shortlist for The Sunday Times/Peters Fraser + Dunlop Young Writer of the Year Award 2017 with her excellent novel The End Of The Day. The other shortlisted young authors include Minoo Dishaw (Outlandish Knight: The Byzantine Life Of Steven Runciman), Julianne Pachico (The
With Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape Of Water earning rave reviews around the world, it’s the perfect time to revisit one of the filmmaker’s early masterpieces: Spanish Civil War-set ghost story The Devil’s Backbone. Helpfully, there’s a beautiful new making of and art book from authors Matt Zoller Seitz and Simon Abrams, and we have
One of the latest novels to address the possibility of a world transformed by the effects of global warming, Paul McCauley’s Austral is set a number of years into the future. Antarctica has been colonised, the retreating ice revealing the landscape underneath, and humanity are building a new world there. The eponymous central figure is a
It’s easy to draw comparisons between Sleeping Beauties and several other books in Stephen King’s back catalogue. There’s the unstoppable pandemic and battle between good and evil of The Stand, there’s the isolated small-town panic of Under The Dome and The Tommyknockers, and the institutionalised abuse of women of Dolores Claiborne. However, this latest novel,
Writing William Shakespeare’s The Force Doth Awaken was unlike writing the previous six books in the Shakespeare Star Wars series (the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy), because like everyone else I encountered The Force Awakens for the first time on December 17, 2015. No, I didn’t get any advance knowledge of the script and
Tightrope walker Hoshiko is a star. Graceful and beautiful, she’s the main attraction of the glittering Cirque, her daring antics captivating audiences everywhere. She’s also a prisoner, forced to perform to a crowd that wants nothing more than to see her fall to her death. In Hayley Barker’s dystopian YA novel, Britain has torn itself
Illustration by Grahame Baker-Smith from The Folio Society edition of The World of The Worlds by H.G. Wells The Folio Society’s edition of HG Wells’ classic The War Of The Worlds is available now and we have a couple of Grahame Baker-Smith’s incredible illustrations for you. Illustration by Grahame Baker-Smith from The Folio Society edition of The World of The Worlds by
Unless you have been living in Outer Mongolia, no doubt you will have heard talk of a popular little animated movie called Frozen. Cleverly jumping on the bandwagon, Elly Blake has a ready-made audience for her new, YA series, Frostblood. Ramping up the raunch factor and adding some gladiator action, it is time for Frozen
A house swap goes horribly wrong in this latest chiller from SL Grey (aka excellent South African authors Sarah Lotz and Louis Greenberg). Having explored shopping malls and underground bunkers, the duo are back with a tale of grief, insanity and the dangers of taking a chance on unrated Air BNB users. Literature professor Mark