
Black Christmas 2019 takes the bare bones of the sorority chiller to deliver something new…but does it work? By Sarah Dobbs 16-12-19 1,086 Released: Out now Certificate: 15 Director: Sophia Takal Writer: Sophia Takal and April Wolfe Cast: Imogen Poots, Aleyse Shannon, Cary Elwes, Caleb Eberhardt Distributor: Universal Forget everything you know about the two
The biggest challenge of splitting Stephen King’s leviathan of a novel into two films was always going to be the adults, the grown-up Losers who return to Derry 27 years later to finish what they started. It’s one thing to sell the idea of a monstrous clown hunting children, it’s quite another to conjure that
A title like Sadistic Intentions comes with a certain expectation/bracing oneself, but writer-director Eric Pennycoff’s tightly wound debut is more interested in exactly what the title describes, and whether or not said intentions will come to fruition, than a violent payoff. After a shocking prologue, we watch as Chloe (Taylor Zaudtke) receives a phone call
Stirring mental illness into supernatural horror is a tricky thing to get right. The allure of the “is this really happening?” element is understandable but it can be so dispiritingly manipulative and exploitative when done carelessly, so: hats off to director Brian Hanson and his co-writer Richard Handley for working hard to maintain ambiguity and
The Soska Sisters return with their pointed and bloody remake of David Cronenberg’s Rabid By Katherine McLaughlin 27-08-19 25 There was a moment in fashion back in 2001 when Alexander McQueen confronted the hypocrisies of the industry with his Asylum show. He literally held up a mirror to those in charge with a final reveal
Andrew Desmond’s feature debut The Sonata, co-written with Arthur Morin, opens with composer Richard Marlow (the late Rutger Hauer) putting the finishing touches on a musical score. He then walks downstairs, heads outside into the dark night with a petrol canister and candle in hand, douses his body in the fuel and sets fire to
The beginning of Henry Jacobson’s feature debut Bloodline seems comfortable (at least to the horror viewer) because it is so steeped in cliché. A nurse (Christie Herring) wanders an empty hospital corridor at night, thinks she hears something behind her, enters the shower room, undresses, and has a shower, while a POV shot makes it
“They say when you die, your whole life flashes before your eyes,” says James (Adrian Glynn McMorran) in voice-over at the beginning of Volition. “I wish it were that simple.” James is practically announcing that this film, directed by Tony Dean Smith and co-written with his brother Ryan Smith, is a chronicle of a death
Young student Harper (Katie Stevens) is a victim twice over. She still bears – faintly – the bruise on her face from where her alcoholic almost-ex stalker boyfriend Sam (Samuel Hunt) hit her the other night; and she also bears the mental scars of her childhood home – which she expressly terms the ‘haunted house’
Siblings Jesús (Pablo Sigal) and Maria José (Valeria Giorcelli) work symbiotically. The siblings live together in their late father’s apartment. They have their own routine. They don’t particularly want to be disturbed. So, when their half-sister Magdalena (Augustina Cerviño) arrives from Spain suggesting that dad’s death means it’s time to sell the place and split
Under The Shadow’s Babak Anvari plunges Armie Hammer and Dakota Johnson into body horror hell in Wounds By Katherine McLaughlin 28-05-19 1 After the accomplished slow-burn horror of Under The Shadow, director Babak Anvari, claws his way through a grotesque body horror that pays disturbing homage to David Cronenberg, David Lynch and Nic Roeg. Armie
First love lives on in Alice Furtado’s sweaty and stylish teenage zombie film Sick Sick Sick By Katherine McLaughlin 28-05-19 1 Released: TBC Director: Alice Furtado Writer: Alice Furtado, Leonardo Levis Cast: Luiza Kosovski, Juan Paiva, Digao Ribeiro Distributor: TBC There are shades of Claire Denis’ charged eroticism in this Brazilian zombie film from debut